I’m excited to share that I had my first guest on my podcast! Before I get into the actual interview part let me share how it all went down before I pressed record.
I (and about 500 of my closest Rich Friends) got a challenge from our mentor, Nicole Walters to pitch brands and companies that we wanted to work with and believed we could bring value to. The prize? A paid trip to the Caribbeans in mid-June. Well I was sold. A possible trip and I knew I had making up every excuse not to pitch lately. Spoiler: I didn’t win the challenge.
I spent hours and hours digging through instagram, twitter, old connects, bios, and websites. I was looking for people who I saw aligned with my vision of talking about the nitty gritty of process, empowerment and self-defined success. I was on Instagram and saw a page with the headline, ‘Switch, Pivot, or Quit.’ That caught my attention so I dug deeper. I looked at the website, googled the founder, listened to her podcast, watched her videos. I was hooked. She was talking about things that mattered to me: books, women supporting women, the process of transitioning, what to do when you don’t have support and much more. She was talking my language.
So I pitched Ahyiana Angel, Founder of Life According to Her and #PopOfColorPodcast. Ahyiana has worked for the NBA, written 3 books, been a curator for TravelNoire, been featured on Essence.com, xoJane.com, SingleBlackMale.org, Clutchmagonline.com, and much more.
But let’s back up. Before the actual pitch I was nervous.
Nervous like I read and re-read the email about 10 times.
Nervous like I put my cursor over send button and let it sit there for a minute.
I pressed send really quick and took a breath. It’s gone. No turning back. After I pitched Ahyiana I felt like I could pitch others that I had written down on my list. I started going through to pitch other people whom I thought aligned with my vision for myself and the platform. Momentum. After I pitched Ahyiana, I was propelled forward. Even though I was still nervous and re-reading the emails I pressed send a lot quicker. Ahyiana and I talk about how she it’s important to recognize the Switch, Pivot or Quit in your life, how to stay motivated and why you need to brag.
Check it out:
Founder: Ahyiana Angel
Instagram: @lifeaccordingtoher
Twitter: @LifeToHer